General terms and conditions of use of the website

These terms and conditions govern the use of the Website, the services provided and the contents published therein.
When browsing on the Website, Users can access the following services:
  • Information and promotions regarding the principal news from the travel and airport services sector by browsing through the sections “Destinations”, “Airports” and “Airlines”, “Useful info” and “News”.
  • Information on the distribution and downloading of copies of the digital issue of the magazine called “Avion Tourism Magazine”, duly registered at the Court of Bergamo, and “Avion Tourism Special Milano Bergamo Airport”, distributed via computer and in paper format at Milan-Bergamo (Orio al Serio) Airport, by subscribing to the “Newsletter” service or by redirection to the website;
  • Downloading of tourism articles on individual destinations published on the digital issue of the magazine named “Avion Tourism Magazine”, duly registered at the Court of Bergamo, and “Avion Tourism Special Milano Bergamo Airport”, distributed via computer and in paper format at Milan-Bergamo (Orio al Serio) Airport by subscribing to the “Newsletter” service or by redirection to the website;
  • Information and promotions (including information regarding the price of the relative offer) concerning tours, excursions, trips, tickets for events and other services provided and sold by third parties with respect to the Website Owner, by browsing in the sections “Destinations”, “Airports” and “Airlines”, “Useful info” and “News”.
  • Information and promotions regarding scheduled and/or charter flights by accessing, through available search engines, hyperlinks ("links") or advertising banners and other services provided and sold by third parties with respect to the Website Owner, by browsing in the sections “Destinations”, “Airports” and “Airlines”, “Useful info” and “News”.
  • Information and promotions regarding airports by accessing, through available search engines, hyperlinks ("links") or advertising banners and other services provided and sold by third parties with respect to the Website Owner, by browsing in the sections “Destinations”, “Airports” and “Airlines”, “Useful info” and “News”.
  • Information and promotions regarding services connected to the trip (e.g. hotels, travel insurance, car hire at the airport, airport shopping, etc...) by accessing, through available search engines, hyperlinks ("links") or advertising banners and other services provided and sold by third parties with respect to the Website Owner, by browsing in the sections “Destinations”, “Airports” and “Airlines”, “Useful info” and “News”.
  • Access pages dedicated to AvionTourism on social media (Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram) and share only links to content published on the Website, Website photographs or videos via social networks (using link to website content only), e-mail (using link to website content only) and instant messaging services (Whatsapp using link to website content only).

The Website also offers promotional services and information on commercial services that are not offered directly by the Website Owner. For this purpose, before accessing the payment services, Users are invited to read the contractual terms and conditions and the terms and conditions of service of partners of the Website Owner.   
In order to browse and make use of the services offered by the Website, these terms and conditions must be accepted in full, as well as those published on specific pages and special sections, such as the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.
The Website and the services provided therein are supplied by the company s.n.c. di Annalisa e Angela Trivigno (hereinafter  Sisterscom), VAT no. 03248170163, Economic and Administrative Index (REA) registration no. LC-304260, with registered office in Verderio (LC), in Via Piave 102, e-mail, Certified e-mail address, telephone no. +39 039 8951335.
Browsing on the website is free of charge.
The use of Newsletter services is subject to providing a personal e-mail address (mandatory). By subscribing to the Newsletter, Users can access the magazine “Avion Tourism” and give their express consent to Sisterscom so that it can send news, any updates and other clearly and unequivocally identifiable material, such as material that advertises or provides information on the services offered. This service does not constitute an improper, misleading or aggressive commercial practice in compliance with the definitions provided by articles 18 et seq. of Italian Legislative Decree 206/2005 (Consumer Code). In any case, the User shall have the right to object to receiving these communications in future through the appropriate function at the end of these communications.
The services offered by the website are not subject to age limits or other territorial limits, except those legally envisaged for the type of service utilised, in this particular case, by the user.
The Website is not intended to promote the conclusion of contractual-type relations with the User, but should this occur, due, perhaps, to future updates of these terms and conditions and implementation of Website service, said contract shall be deemed to have been entered into, for legal purposes, in the municipality of Verderio Inferiore (LC).
Information regarding the services offered on the website is provided for users in Italian and English. 
All documentation regarding the services offered by the website will be retained by, where requested by law, in digital archives under its exclusive control or that of its partners. 
A copy of these general terms and conditions can be saved in .pdf format, by using the special “Print” function in the browser used by the User.
The User declares that he or she has read these general terms and conditions and the documents, enclosures and information connected to the same and accepts them fully and without reservation, undertaking to satisfy the relevant requirements thereto, even if browsing takes place on other websites, platforms or social networks referable or connected to this website.

The user undertakes to use the website and utilise the services offered within the same in good faith and with the diligence, even specific, required by law. 
The User undertakes, in particular, to use the website in such a way as to not cause damage, interruptions or malfunctioning to the site and its functions; for unlawful aims and for purposes not permitted by law; to commit criminal activity or in a way to cause trouble, harassment or harm to other Users or third parties.
As an example, the User undertakes: 
  • not to communicate false information regarding his or her identity or profession nor use information that is not in the ownership of the User;
  • not to communicate, publish, send or disclose spam, chain letters, junk e-mails, pyramid schemes or other non-requested material;
  • not to use language that is vulgar, offensive or contrary to accepted principles of morality;
  • not to carry out web scraping activities of the contents and materials published on the website that are covered by copyright;
  • not to reproduce, copy, transform, distribute or disclose the information, the contents or the material published on the website without the prior written consent of Sisterscom or third-party holders of the intellectual and industrial property rights over the same;
  • not to use the website with the intention of not wishing to respect the rules envisaged in these general terms and conditions.
Any other behaviour exhibited by the User that, at the sole discretion of Sisterscom, is not compliant, is abusive or contrary to the rules, whether general or particular, stated in these terms and conditions of use or in documents connected to the same shall give Sisterscom to right to delete the User’s account and adopt any measure for eliminating the unlawful conduct, including by reporting such conduct to the relevant authorities.

The information published may be subject to changes, amendments or updates, and therefore we invite Users, before accessing services that may require payment or other services subject to monetary quantification, to contact the supplier of the service concerned directly to request confirmation regarding that published by the Website Owner, as well as any other useful information, before entering into the contract. 

The website and all its contents and materials, where not otherwise specified, are the exclusive property of Sisterscom (or its stakeholders and partners) and are protected by current legislation in the matter of intellectual and industrial property.  
The User declares that he or she understands and accepts that under no circumstances may he or she use, copy, distribute or manipulate (even by quoting the source), for commercial purposes or otherwise, texts, trademarks, trade names, company names, analog or digital content, informative or advertising material, photos or videos an any other type of material published on the website without the prior written consent of Sisterscom.
The communication by the User, or entities interested in pursuing working relationships with Sisterscom, of any content or material, regardless of its nature, implies the granting to Sisterscom of a perpetual licence of use, without territorial limits, without consideration and transferable of copyright and other industrial and intellectual property rights. 
The website may contain trademarks, trade names, analog or digital content, informative or advertising material of intelletual or industrial property of third parties. The User declares that he or she understands and accepts that such content is published with the prior consent of said third parties and undertakes not to use them without observing their intellectual and industrial property rights, even where not specified. 
Every abuse and violation shall be prosecuted according to law.

The website is supplied “as is” and the User declares that he or she understands and accepts that the use of the site, its contents and the materials published is carried out at his or her own risk.
With the limits of current legislation, the User declares that he or she guarantees to indemnify and hold harmless Sisterscom, its employees, stakeholders and partners from any compensatory obligation, regardless of the nature and qualification of the same, which may arise to third parties in relation to use of the site. 
Without prejudice to the cases stated above, to the extent required by law in the cases of misconduct or gross negligence, in any event Sisterscom shall accept no liability, of any nature, contractual or extracontractual, direct or indirect, for any damage of any kind that may arise from using the website and use of the website and services promoted and offered therein. 
Sisterscom accepts no liability for any harm or damage suffered by Users in the event they claim an inability to use the website, its contents or material, or in the event of suspension and discretional interruption of the same; or arising to users through malfunction and/or failure of electronic equipment of such users or third parties; or in the event of erroneous or inaccurate information stated on the website, magazines or in other informative or commercial material published on the website and owned by Sisterscom or other third parties. 
In particular the User declares that he or she understands and accepts that Sisterscom is not a tour operator, nor does it organise or directly promote trips, excursions and tours, flights or other services promoted and offered and therefore cannot be, in any way and for whatever reason, directly or indirectly, responsible for the monetary loss or moral suffering of the User, whether in the form of lost profit or consequential damage, damage to assets or otherwise, non-material damage, “damages from ruined holiday”, “personal injury damages” or “hedonic damages”, suffered by the User or by third parties, including family members, due to promotions or information supplied by Sisterscom. 
The User declares that he or she understands and accepts that Sisterscom cannot in any way be held responsible for the operation or content of third parties’ websites, the content of third parties, material published via hyperlinks (the "links") or advertising banners or other promotional communication tools (e.g. videos, adverts, advertorials, widgets, etc…) on the website and on which the User has relied.

The information and promotional services offered by the Website are directed at professional figures and persons classifiable as “Consumers” in accordance with art. 3 of Italian Legislative Decree 206/2005.
The Website does not directly promote the conclusion of contracts, therefore the regulations that may apply to the Consumer in the case of withdrawal pursuant to articles 52 et seq. of Italian Legislative Decree 206/2005, as well as the specific obligations to provide information by Sisterscom, are not applicable.
All Consumer Users may browse the Website and use the services offered free of charge by registering or subscribing, if requested, for particular services. 
Pursuant to and in accordance with article 141 sexies of Italian Legislative Decree no. 206 dated 6th September 2005, (“Consumer Code”), Sisterscom informs all Users who are also “Consumers”, as defined in art. 3, paragraph 1, letter a) of the Consumer Code, that any dispute regarding use of the services offered by the Website which cannot be resolved in a friendly way may be referred to alternative dispute resolution bodies (so-called ADR) identified in articles 141 bis et seq. of the Consumer Code and whose identification and contact details can be requested from Sisterscom. 
For this purpose, in accordance with article 14 of EU Regulation no. 523/2013, Sisterscom informs the Users concerned that a European platform for online dispute resolution (so-called ODR) has been set up, which can be consulted on the website, where further information can be found regarding using these alternative dispute resolution bodies and where the latest list of ADR bodies are given, as well as their contact information, links to relevant websites, and other useful information for making a request to one of these bodies and solving the dispute online. 
The User classified as a Consumer who is resident in another country in the European Union may also apply the European procedure pursuant to Regulation (EC) no. 861/2007 of the Council, dated 11th July 2007, which can be consulted on the website, to resolve small claims. The procedure may be utilised providing that the value of the dispute, net of legal interest, duties and costs, is no greater than an overall sum of €2,000.00. 
In the event of disputes arising from use of the services offered by the website, the User classified as Consumer may also make a request to the judicial authority of the competent Court in the place of his or her domicile or residence.

Sisterscom reserves the right to modify these general terms and conditions at any time, giving notice in the appropriate section of the website and stating when these modifications will come into effect. It is the duty of the User to verify periodically whether updates have been made to the website general terms and conditions of use, which will be deemed to have been understood and accepted once the date stated has passed. 
These general terms and conditions are governed by Italian law. 
All information, communications and complaints regarding the content of these terms and conditions or related to use of the website, its contents or material, or to the services offered by Sisterscom may be addressed to the e-mail address
Any dispute regarding the interpretation and implementation of these terms and conditions shall be referred to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Milan, without prejudice to the use of places of jurisdiction imposed by law, such as, for example, the place of jurisdiction of the consumer as stated in paragraph 5.
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