
Volotea is a low cost airline with headquartered in Barcelona and was founded by Carlos Muñoz and Lázaro Ros (they were also the founders of the Spanish airline Vueling). The airline connects medium and small cities and European capitals.
The low cost airline flies to Europe connecting destinations in different countries: Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Greece, Croatia, Czech Republic, Portugal, Malta, Austria, Ireland, Morocco, Bulgaria and Luxembourg.
Volotea. Photo: Sisterscom.com / Markus Mainka / Shutterstock
Volotea has several operating bases in the following Italian and European citiesAsturias, Athens, BilbaoBordeaux, Brest, FlorenceCagliari, Genoa, HamburgLyon, Lille, LourdesMarseilleNantes, NaplesStrasburgPalermo, Toulouse, Venice, Verona.
The Volotea base in Hamburg has been opened to activate the award-winning Airbus Shuttle service. The Naples base was inaugurated in 2020, that of Lyon in 2021 and that of Olbia in the summer of 2021. The new base in Brest opened on 8 November 2023.
Volotea flies to its network of destinations with a fleet of Airbus A319 aircraft. The Airbus A319 is the aircraft model chosen for the future growth of the company and will allow a 25% increase in its transport capacity, allowing it to carry 156 passengers and to operate longer routes.
From March 2021 Volotea, with the arrival of the Airbus A320, becomes a 100% Airbus airline. With a fleet consisting exclusively of aircraft from a single manufacturer, Volotea benefits from a single pilot license, 20-25% lower maintenance costs than previous Boeing 717s, simplified scheduling, easier monitoring and audits in all areas, especially with regards to safety. Volotea plans to operate with a fleet of 35-39 aircraft in the summer of 2021 (against 36 in the summer of 2019).
As well as being more cost-effective, the updated fleet is also more environmentally friendly, significantly reducing the airline's per-passenger carbon footprint thanks to lower greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, thanks to the customized "vortex generators", the Volotea Airbuses produce a lower whistling effect on approach than the Boeing 717s, further reducing the noise impact.
All Volotea Airbuses are equipped with hospital air filters (HEPA: High Efficiency Particulate Air) which filter 99.97% of particles such as viruses and bacteria, for journeys characterized by maximum hygiene.
Volotea pays particular attention to sustainable aviation and has committed to reducing its CO2 emissions per passenger and kilometer by 50% (compared to 2012) by 2030. It has launched over 50 sustainability initiatives which have led to a reduction of 40 % carbon footprint per passenger kilometre. Since 2022, the company has been working on the development of alternative emissions-free technologies and operates the internal Airbus shuttle service using 34% sustainable aviation fuel. It also collaborates with the manufacturing and industrial sectors so that these fuels, currently difficult to access, can be developed and disseminated in the shortest possible time.

Volotea. Photo: Sisterscom.com / Markus Mainka / Shutterstock
Volotea's flights reach important European cities and several islands during the summer seasonSince its launch in April 2012, Volotea has transported more than 55 million passengers across Europe in 2023.
Volotea has won the "Europe's Leading Low-Fares Airline" award for the second consecutive year at the World Travel Awards 2022, an organization that recognizes excellence in the global transport and tourism sector.
Text by Alisè Vitri
Avion Tourism Magazine
Photos for editorial use only.
Visual: Sisterscom.com / Senohrabek / Shutterstock
Photo: Volotea; Sisterscom.com, Shutterstock
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Address: Headquarters
 - Travessera de Gracia 56, 4ª - 08006
Barcelona - Spain.
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