16 July 2020

Milano Malpensa Prime celebrates the first year of activity

The Milan Malpensa Business & General Aviation dedicated to business aviation and VIP flights
SEA Prime, which with the Milano Prime brand is the leading manager of infrastructures dedicated to Business&General Aviation in Italy, celebrates the first year of activity of Milano Malpensa Prime, the Terminal dedicated to general aviation of Milan Malpensa international airport, opened in July last year.
Milano Malpensa Prime
The first year of activity of Milano Malpensa Prime. Photo: Copyright © Sea Prime.
The first year of Milan Malpensa Prime has been noteworthy: in 2019 over 8,500 movements were recorded with an 86% growth compared to 2018. In the first two months of 2020, traffic continued its growth trend, marking a + 18.5% compared to the previous year.
Milan Malpensa Prime has always operated during the lock-down and, albeit with lower operating volumes than the previous year due to the restrictions in force for the pandemic, there has been a gradual recovery in traffic in recent weeks.
In the week commencing 29th June, Milan Malpensa Prime recorded a 50% increase in movements compared to the previous week, with peaks of over 80 movements per day including Milan Linate Prime, also fully operational.
The Business&General Aviation sector has brought an important contribution during the most critical phases of the pandemic outburst, allowing passengers to return to their countries of origin, as well as contributing to the transportation of patients, staff and healthcare equipment.
With the gradual easing of restrictions, business aviation benefits from the immediate availability of flights and from the implementation of dedicated safety measures, representing, at European level, a market share of around 25% of total air traffic, more than double as compared to the same period of the previous year.
Milano Malpensa Prime
Milano Malpensa Prime. Photo: Copyright © Sea Prime.
The key numbers of Milan Malpensa Prime
 1,400 sqm terminal
 5 lounges
 Dedicated VIP parking
 Concierge service
 Hangar of 5,000 mq
 50,000 sqm of aircraft apron
 VIP services including the use of the terminal for passengers of charter flights.
SEA Prime, company of the SEA Group, is the manager of Business & General Aviation infrastructure at the Linate and Malpensa airports with the brand Milano Prime.
Linate Prime is the leading Business & General Aviation airport in Italy and, together with Malpensa Prime, fifth in Europe. Milano Prime recorded over 24,500 aircraft movements in 2019.
The infrastructure under management includes 2 terminals and dedicated aprons, 11 hangars, 9 lounges, 7 meeting rooms and 2 VIP car parks. Milano Prime, directly and through its partners, offers a complete range of services dedicated to aircraft, passengers and crews. These include concierge services, hangaring, maintenance, dedicated security checkpoints, catering, refuelling, limousines and tax refunds.
Edited by Lisa Maria River
Text source and photos: SEA Prime Press Office
Photo visual: © Sisterscom.com / Shutterstock
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