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26 April 2020

COVID-19: Interview with the CEO of Marche Airport Ing Carmine Bassetti

"Once this emergency phase is over, air transport will recover lost traffic and start growing again, it is not possible to do without air transport in a world that is now totally globalized"
Avion Tourism Magazine proposes, during the Covid-19 pandemic, a series of interviews with the CEOs and/or General Managers of Italian airports to understand how they are carrying out their work in these critical days of health emergency, to give a space and a voice to their stories and the initiatives they have put in place. And, above all, to know what strategies will be adopted to make passenger transit at the airport safer and how the air transport sector is evolving. 
Marche Airport
Interview with Carmine Bassetti, CEO of Ancona Airport
Can you tell us how your work has changed as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and how your work at Marche Airport has changed and been organized?
"Covid 19 has imposed the "lockdown" of all activities and consequently air  transport has been heavily affected. However, Falconara airport is among the 17 airports considered strategic and has never closed to ensure emergency support. We are open to all intents and purposes for both passenger and cargo traffic. However, we have reduced attendance to the essentials by promoting smart working, the use of holidays and the use of  the redundancy fund".
What are the initiatives you have carried out in recent days and with what objectives? 
"We are open to guarantee support in case of emergency and the costs of this opening are borne by the company. We have staff who, despite the risks of contagion in moving, have always been present, using the PPE and the prescribed precautions, ensuring the arrival of flights even with medical loads that have arrived and have been managed by the staff in charge". 
What measures have you taken to ensure the safety of all employees working at the airport?
"The measures are those imposed by the Decrees issued and by ENAC for all Italian airports. We were among the first to join with the installation of thermo scanners and to make available the required PPE materials . We have also increased cleaning activities and we are carrying out extraordinary sanitization through suitable spray-dried products in all environments".
After the lockdown, without prejudice to the application of the protocols that will be provided by the competent authorities, how do you think you can guarantee and strengthen health safety for passengers, in the various areas of your airport so that they can return to travel with peace of mind?
"I repeat, the protocols are decided by ENAC in concert with the Ministry of Health and are the same for all Italian airports. With regard to the restart that we expect for June, in all likelihood there will be an obligation for everyone to wear masks and gloves and keep the right distances required, at least for the duration of phase 2. Then there will be the period in which we will have to live with the virus but avoid contagion, respecting the basic rules that will be imposed". 
As a result of this pandemic, what do you think will be the substantial changes in the way we travel in Italy and around the world and how will the air transport sector evolve?
"Past events (Avian, SARS and Torre Gemelle) that have severely impacted the air transport sector have shown that the sector has always recovered with sustained growth in the post-event years. I believe that once this emergency phase is over, air transport will recover the lost traffic and resume growth, it is not possible to do withoutair transport in a world that is now totally globalized". 
What message would you like to send to all passengers who, after the lockdown, will resume flying by choosing Marche Airport ?
"That the company, despite the "lockdown", has continued to plan the future of the airport with projects that will start soon to make the airport even more beautiful and welcoming. The people of the Marche need connectivity and we aim for them to be among the first to fly again!"  
Curated by Angela Trivigno
Avion Tourism Magazine
Visual Photo: / Natali22206 / Shutterstock 
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