21 November 2024
Global campaign to save the seabed
"The World's Largest Ocean Dispute" is a new initiative that calls on citizens around the planet to become stewards of the ocean floor to stop Deep Sea Mining and protect humanity's common heritage
Hidden thousands of meters below the surface of the sea, the deep ocean floor represents the largest living space on the planet and the main carbon sink, essential for regulating the Earth's climate. However, these extraordinary ecosystems, inhabited by millions of unique species, are now threatened by deep sea mining. To counter this destructive practice, the global campaign "The World's Largest Ocean Dispute" was launched, which aims to unite people around the planet to claim and protect the seabed as a common heritage of humanity.
At the center of the dispute are polymetallic nodules, real living ecosystems that form over millions of years. These nodules are rich in minerals such as nickel and cobalt, which are critical for batteries and green energy technologies, but also producers of "dark oxygen," a form of oxygen essential for marine life. However, mining threatens to destroy these fragile ecosystems and cause irreversible damage to the entire planet.
Extraction from the seabed. Photo © Deep Rising Press Office
The area most affected by this threat is the Clarion Clipperton Zone (CCZ), a vast area of the Pacific Ocean that covers more than 4.5 million square kilometers, twice the area of India. Despite being recognized as a "common heritage of humanity" by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), much of this area is already designated for potential mining, decisions taken under the authority of the ISA (International Seabed Authority), a body that deals with both environmental protection and the promotion of mining exploitation.
Custom DEEPSEA NFT © Certificate Image with Reserved Rights Reserved
The campaign "The World's Largest Ocean Dispute" offers citizens a direct way to oppose Deep Sea Mining.
Through a digital platform based on web3 technology, people can claim a portion of the seabed in the CCZ for free, symbolically becoming guardians of this resource.
The GPS coordinates of the seabed are divided into 8.1 billion portions, one for each inhabitant of the planet.
Each person who joins the initiative will receive a personalized certificate, the DEEPSEA NFT, which includes unique coordinates and depicts a marine life form from the deep.
These certificates will not be transferable and will be stored on a decentralized server to ensure their protection.
In support of the campaign, Matthieu Rytz's documentary Deep Rising, narrated by Jason Momoa, explores the devastating consequences of seabed mining and invites the public to reflect on the urgency of protecting the oceans.
"We have a unique opportunity to change the course of history and stop a highly destructive industry before it causes irreparable damage," says Rytz. "The seabed does not belong to anyone and cannot be plundered for profit. We must act now to preserve this irreplaceable part of the Earth's ecosystem."
"The World's Largest Ocean Dispute" represents a global call to arms to protect the seabed, emphasizing that ocean resources must be safeguarded for the benefit of all future generations. Only collective action can ensure that this precious heritage remains intact, opposing the short-term profit of corporations in favor of the long-term health of the planet.
The impact Deep Rising campaign is hosted on the deeprising.com
By the editorial staff of Avion Tourism Magazine
Partnership with Booking.com
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