13 March 2020

Coronavirus: start the temporary stop of Italian airports

ENAC: the airports identified by the decree of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport
In application of ministerial decree number 112 of 12 March 2020 with which, following the Covid-19 emergency, the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport limited the operations of the Italian airport system, ENAC, the National Aviation Authority Civil, has ordered:
Airport management companies must guarantee airport operations without limitations (included in art. 2 paragraph 1 of the decree):
 Rome Ciampino for State flights only, organ transports, canadair and emergency services. 
Management companies of the airports not included (art. 2 paragraph 1 of the decree),
they will limit their operations starting tomorrow, March 14, 2020, with the exception of Milan Linate which will begin the temporary stop from Monday March 16.
However, some activities will be guaranteed at all airports including:
 cargo and mail flights, 
 government flights
 emergency medical flights, or other emergency flights. 
Even private aviation airports will have to limit their activity in analogy to the provisions for airports not included in paragraph 2 of the decree, starting tomorrow, March 14, 2020.
Edited by Alisè Vitri
Source text: Enac Press Office
Visual: Sisterscom.com / Stefano Garau / Shutterstock 
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