

The royal city rich in culture
On the banks of the Vistula is Cracow, one of the most charming places in Europe, rich of precious monuments of culture and arts. Historical capital city of Poland for five centuries, Cracow have been also named “world historical city” due to its architectural omogeneity and richness. Cracow preserved the medieval street and urbanistic plan, listed in UNESCO’s world cultural heritage.
Cracow Photo: Copyright © / Shutterstock
Cracow Photo: Copyright © / Shutterstock
The Royal Path in Cracow
The Royal Path goes through the historical core of the city; once walked by the kings during ceremonial processions.The Royal Path connects the remains of the ancient walls, called Barbacane, to the Market Place: it goes through the Florianska Gate (one of the entrances to the city) psasing the Florianska and Grojzka streets. Today, the Royal Path still is the most famous itinerary in Cracow: not just for being the royal passage way through the city, but also due to the many and beautiful buildings on its side.
 Florianska Gate and Royal Path Copyright © / Shutterstock / Depositphotos 
 Florianska Gate and Royal Path Copyright © / Depositphotos 
The Cathedral of Saint Virgin Mary in Cracow
The Market Place, at the core of the old town, is the true beating heart of Cracow. The square challenges for size and dimensions with San Marco in Venice, Italy. In the Market Place lies the main temple of the city: the gothic Cathedral of Saint Virgin Mary, built in the XIV century, with the original stained-glass windows. Inside there is one of the largest gothic altars in the world, carved in wood, surrounded by niches with scenes from the life of Mary and Jesus. There are 16 beautiful churches in Cracow, linked by the so called “Saints Way”.
 Cracow Photo: Copyright © / Shutterstock
Cracow Photo: Copyright © / Shutterstock
Sukiennice: the Fabric Market
At the centre of the Market Place there is the Sukiennice - the Fabric Market: in the XIV century there were shops selling fabrics, and now there are bars and souvenir vendors.
Cracow Photo: Copyright © / Shutterstock
Cracow Photo: Copyright © / Shutterstock
The last segment of the Royal Path is Kanonicza, a picturesque street along which are historical buildings and several cultural institutions: the Archidiocesan Museum, in the same building where once lived Karol Wojtyla, Pope John Paul II, when he was bishop of Cracow, and the Cricot Theatre, famous in Europe for the experimental shows. 
The Zurek Copyright © / Shutterstock
Polish cuisine

Polish cuisine is rich and varied and preserves ancient recipes, the result of the fusion of different cultures, which have diversified over the years in the various regions. The traditional dishes to taste are: the Barszcz bialy (white or red beetroot soup), the Zurek (rye flour soup, accompanied by hard-boiled egg and cured meats), the Bigos (soup with different types of meat, sauerkraut and spices), the flaczki (tripe), the Kotlet schabowy (pork cutlet), the Kotlet mielony (cutlet with minced meat), the pierogi, the kluski ziemniaczane (similar to potato dumplings), the placki ziemniaczne (potato pancakes).

Text by Izabela Sopora
Update by Nicolò Villa
Avion Tourism Magazine
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Shutterstock / Depositphotos 
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Where to sleep Cracow
Cracow Photo: Copyright © / Shutterstock
Cracow is a welcoming city and offers different possibilities for accommodation.
To find the ideal hotel and the best offers you can do a search for the stars but also for districts or landmarks.
WHERE TO GO in Cracow
Tourist attractions in Krakow and its surroundings
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South of Cracow, near the border between Poland and Slovachia, close to Pieniny Mountains, corssing the Dunajec river on wooden rafts may be an unforgettable experience. The ride takes from to 2 to 3 hours, spent in the company of the mountaineers and their fairt tales and the riddles of the ferrymen. The season opens on the first days of April until October 30.
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Leaving Cracow towards east we find Brzesko, famous for its excellent beer Okocim. The fans of popular arts may reach Zalipie, a village made of frescoed houses. Local artists painted the exterior and interiors of every house, cowshed, granary, fence and also the doghouses with murales. Zalipie is also know for the embroidery, the little statuary and the straw dolls.
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The villages surrounding Cracow are real jewel boxes, with plenty of architectural treasures. Many of the typical buildings in the area were built by local craftsmen, using old traditions in masonry. The tradition lasted until today and the population loves to preserve the folklore of this region, the so called folklor krakowski. The main topics in this culture are the traditional robes, the music and the dance known as krakowiak. A visitor should not miss to pay a visit to the Benedictine abbey of Tyniec, an ancient fortress built on a hill and dominating the banks of the Vistula.

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Another place of interest, once in Cracow, is the salt mines in Wieliczka. The mines are still open and are among the oldest mines in Poland: it’s about one thousand years that settlers and polish esctract salt from a vein 6 km long and 1 km wide. The excavations reached a depth of 900 feet, the mines are now a maze of passages, galleries and chambers for a total lenght of 200 km, 4 of which open to the public for guided tours. Inside there are also three chapels with salt sculptures, a unique feature, and an underground ambulatory for patients suffering for asthma and allergies.

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