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17 September 2024

The "Mutti Travel Collection" kicks off in Naples Capodichino

Pantry jackets with iconic products and 500 boxes for young Italians abroad to make them feel closer to home
Mutti, European leader in the tomato derivatives market, has launched the "Mutti Travel Collection", a project that involves young travelers from Naples Capodichino airport and those residing abroad. From 16 to 29 September, those who depart from Capodichino will be able to win an exclusive pantry-jacket, containing a selection of Mutti's iconic products, at a stand located after security checks.
At the same time, the initiative includes an online competition that will allow 500 young Italians between 18 and 30 years old, residing in Europe and the United Kingdom, to receive a box of Mutti products directly in the country where they live. The goal is to support young people away from home, making them feel the taste of home and the Bel Paese, even when they are far away.
Foto: Copyright © ufficio stampa Mutti
Photo: Copyright © Mutti press office
Rafael Narvaez, Mutti Group CMO, explained: "The Mutti Travel Collection was born from listening to the stories of many young Italians abroad, for whom Mutti products represent a link with their roots. We want to offer them a gesture of closeness, bringing a bit of home wherever they go."
This initiative is designed to alleviate the difficulty of finding quality Italian products abroad, often sold at high prices. An example of this difficulty is the story of two Italian students on Erasmus in Spain, who, finding themselves in difficulty, asked Mutti for help and received a box of products to enjoy the rest of their stay abroad with the flavors of home.
By the editorial staff of Avion Tourism Magazine
Text source and visual photo: Mutti Press Office
Photo Naples: Copyright © / Shutterstock

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