05 February 2025
Airport Day
The national event, organized by Assaeroporti, is held on February 5 to celebrate the strategic role of the 17 participating Italian airports
On 5 February, 17 Italian airports are the protagonists of Airport Day, an initiative promoted by Assaeroporti in collaboration with airport management companies. This national event aims to highlight the fundamental contribution of airports to the development, sustainability and progress of the country, confirming their role as key infrastructures for the mobility of citizens and the well-being of communities.
The event was officially inaugurated on 5 February with a press conference in Rome, in connection with the various participating airports, and with the intervention of prominent personalities such as the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini, the President of Assaeroporti Carlo Borgomeo, the President of ENAC Pierluigi Di Palma, the CEO of SACE Alessandra Ricci and the Confindustria Delegate for Transport and Tourism Leopoldo Destro. The press conference is streamed live on Assaeroporti's LinkedIn channel.
Airport system in transformation
Airports represent a pillar of the national economy and are at the center of a continuous process of innovation and transformation, aimed at integrating social, economic and environmental sustainability. Through Airport Day, each participating airport highlights its commitment to a more inclusive future that respects environmental, social and economic challenges.
The Italian airports participating in Airport Day
The Italian airports of Alghero, Bergamo, Bologna, Cagliari, Catania, Cuneo, Florence and Pisa, Genoa, Milan Linate and Malpensa, Naples, Olbia, Palermo, Perugia, Turin and Trieste will participate in the Airport Day.
Events and widespread activities
Airport Day is a choral event, with numerous activities ranging from talks and conferences to institutional and awareness-raising initiatives, many of which can also be accessed on the airports' social channels. Each airport offers events focused on central issues such as their economic and employment impact, ecological transition, social well-being and the promotion of cultural exchanges.
Airport events, initiatives and videos for Airport Day
► Genoa Airport
- Among the important initiatives, Genoa Airport, in collaboration with Flying Angels, organizes a conference dedicated to the role of airports in social support, with particular attention to children being treated at the Gaslini Hospital. The event "In flight for Life" at Genoa Airport is in the former Pascucci room (2nd floor), Wednesday 5 February, 11:00 am.
► Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport
- The "Leave your mark" initiative aims to involve Olbia airport passengers to inform them about Airport Day and raise awareness of the airport's ESG issues, in particular those of environmental sustainability. A dedicated desk is set up in the central hall to create moments of interaction with the public, sharing a message of awareness and participation.
- Live streaming on the airport's Facebook page of the event "Sardinian airports at the center of the island's economic development strategies". The event, organized in collaboration with Sogaer (Cagliari Airport) and Sogeaal (Alghero Airport) at the Cagliari Airport business center at 10:30 am, sees the participation of Authorities, Regional and Airport Authorities and Trade Associations.
► Naples Airport
Voices from the Terminal. "What does the airport represent for you?". Naples Airport asked its passengers and those who live at the airport every day to share their thoughts on a place that is much more than just a point of departure or arrival. It is an opportunity to reflect on everything that an airport can represent, also for the community and the territory. Watch the video to listen to the voices of passengers at Naples airport.
► Milan Linate and Milan Malpensa airports
- For Airport Day, the airports of Milan Linate and Milan Malpensa asked passengers: "If I say airport, what do you think of? Watch the Milan Airports passenger video.
- SEA Milan Airports also organized the conference "Airports in the changing world. The strategic challenges of airports in global geopolitical evolution" which will be held on Wednesday 5 February 2025 at 11:00 am at Milan Linate Airport - Linate Center. Live Streaming of the event from 11 a.m. via Linkedin. During the conference, live connection with Rome with the Airport Day press conference: "Airports on track for the country" in the presence of the Minister of Transport, Matteo Salvini.
► Milan Bergamo Airport
- For the occasion, Milan Bergamo airport asked its passengers a question as simple as it is personal: what does the airport mean to you? Watch the video of the passengers of Milan Bergamo airport.
- In addition, on Wednesday 5 February starting at 10:30 a.m. in the area in front of Gate A1 of the departures terminal, SACBO organized a conference entitled "Bergamo and its airport: projects to fly into the future", on the occasion of the event. During the conference, there was a connection with the contextual event taking place in Rome and attended by the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini, the President of ENAC Pierluigi Di Palma and the President of Assaeroporti Carlo Borgomeo.
► Florence and Pisa airports
Toscana Aeroporti, on the occasion of Airport Day, inaugurates the Red Bench at Pisa Airport, a place of passage and meeting for thousands of people every day, a signal that recalls everyone's responsibility in building a fairer, more respectful and safer society. An opportunity to remember those who are no longer with us, but also to reaffirm Toscana Airports' commitment to a cultural change that focuses on the protection of the rights of every individual. In addition, Toscana Aeroporti asked passengers "what is the airport for you?". Watch the video of the passengers of Toscana Aeroporti.
► Trieste Airport
Trieste airport also asked its passengers a question related to the airport for the event: "But what do they really represent for you?". Watch the videos of passengers at Trieste airport.
► Cagliari Airport
On the occasion of Airport Day, the SOGAER Group (Cagliari Airport Management Company), together with GEASAR (Olbia Airport) and SOGEAAL (Alghero Airport), have scheduled a meeting-talk entitled "Sardinian airports at the center of the island's economic development strategies" for Wednesday 5 February at the Cagliari Airport Business Centre. Cagliari airport also asked its passengers a question about the airport: "But what do they really represent for you?" Watch the videos of passengers at Cagliari airport.
► Alghero Airport
Alghero Airport has organized the "Leave your mark" initiative to involve passengers and inform them about Airport Day, raising awareness of the airport's ESG issues and those of environmental sustainability. A dedicated desk is set up in the central hall to create moments of interaction with the public. In addition, live streaming on the Facebook page of Alghero Airport of the event "Sardinian Airports at the center of the island's economic development strategies", in collaboration with Sogaer (Cagliari Airport) and Geasar (Olbia Airport) at the business center of Cagliari Airport at 10:30 am, with the participation of Authorities, Regional and Airport Authorities and Trade Associations.
► Bologna Airport
On 5 February, Bologna Airport has organised a conference entitled "Between Economy and Tourism: Bologna Airport as a catalyst for territorial development" to address the development of the territory with a focus on tourism. It is possible to follow the live broadcast of the conference on the LinkedIn and YouTube profiles of Bologna Airport starting at about 10:30 am. Also, for the voices from the Terminal, he asked passengers: "What does the airport represent for you?" Watch the videos of passengers at Bologna airport.
► Cuneo Airport
Cuneo Airport celebrates Airport Day with an Open Day dedicated to high school students who can visit the MRO (Aircraft Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul) facilities and attend an ENAV lesson on the role of the air traffic controller. A moment of training and inspiration for the young people of the area.
► Perugia Airport
On February 5, Perugia airport undertakes to distribute flyers printed on biodegradable paper, containing seeds that can be planted, to departing passengers. The QR code of the flyer refers to a dedicated page that illustrates the airport's commitment to environmental sustainability. An institutional meeting is also scheduled in the morning to assess the feasibility of an urban forestation project in the area.
► Turin Airport
- Turin airport, for February 5, has scheduled a press conference and a live connection with the parallel event underway in Rome. Institutional representatives, media and local communities discuss the initiatives undertaken for decarbonization. This will be followed by a visit to the hydrogen plant at the Fire Brigade, an example of the airport's investments in sustainable technologies.
- In the afternoon, presentation to university students involved in the courses of study dedicated to the environmental sustainability of the airport's activities is carrying out to promote sustainability, with strategies and projects implemented to reduce the environmental impact of airport operations. Students can take part in a guided tour that includes a visit to the hydrogen plant and the photovoltaic system on the roof of the terminal, an example of energy transition.
- In addition, awareness and involvement activities are organized at the Boarding Hall for airport passengers. Even Turin airport, for 'Voices from the Terminal' asked its passengers: "If I say airport, what do you think?". Watch the videos of the passengers of Turin airport.
Edited by the editorial staff, Avion Tourism Magazine
Text source and visual: Assaeroporti Press Office and Airports participating in Airport Day
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