29 October 2024
Airports, Enac and Enea together for sustainable development
Enac's environmental protection plans include an analysis of the levels of energy consumption and production of Italian airports, the energy notebook and the introduction of the Co2 parameter to assess the carbon footprint
Today in Rome , the National Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC) and ENEA presented the results of the collaboration, which started in 2023, to promote the energy transition in the infrastructure of Italian airports. The "Best practices for the proposal and evaluation of indicators in Environmental Protection Plans" developed by ENAC and the "Energy Efficiency Notebook in Airports", the seventh volume of the Energy Efficiency Notebooks series, produced by ENEA as part of the Program Agreement for Electricity System Research 2022-2024 funded by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, were also illustrated.
ENAC ENEA presentation: from left to right: Bertini, Dialuce, Di Palma, Deidda, Fiorini, Pandolfi Copyright © ENAC
The presentation of the Notebook to the press room of the Chamber of Deputies was attended by Salvatore Deidda, president of the IX Commission for Transport, Post and Telecommunications of the Chamber of Deputies, Pierluigi Di Palma president of ENAC, Gilberto Dialuce president of ENEA, Benedetta Fiorini member of the ENAC Administration, Costantino Pandolfi deputy central director of ENAC for Economic Planning and Infrastructure Development, Ilaria Bertini, Director of the ENEA Department for Energy Efficiency.
The new Quaderno of the ENEA series is proposed as a guideline for the drafting of quality energy diagnoses in compliance with current legislation, taking into account the specificities of the airport sector. It explains how to structure an energy consumption monitoring plan with the reference consumption indices and provides a broad description of the possible energy efficiency interventions to be implemented with a cost/effectiveness analysis. Together with the Quaderno, a report sheet on energy consumption has been created that will be made available together with the guidelines and which will be tested at some of the main Italian airports as early as next month.
Among the innovative concepts developed by ENAC in the Environmental Protection Plans, which set the improvement targets for airport managers, there are:
► the analysis of the levels of energy consumption and production of airport infrastructures, which will be assessed in line with the data of the energy audits of the airports collected by ENEA;
► the recommendations for energy efficiency based on the Airport Energy Notebook;
► the introduction of the CO2 parameter for the assessment of the Carbon Footprint of the processes and products that make up the airport sector.
By the editorial staff of Avion Tourism Magazine
Text source: Copyright © ENAC Press Office
Visual photo: Copyright © Sisterscom.com / Depositphotos
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