30 November 2024
The HyperTwin digital platform
A revolution for airspace management for drones and innovative air mobility
Innovation, speed, safety and sustainability are the keywords of HyperTwin, the cutting-edge digital platform for innovative air mobility conceived by the Department for Digital Transformation (DTD) and the National Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC) and presented on 28 November 2024, during an event attended by ENAC President Pierluigi Di Palma, Institutions, operators and experts in the sector.
The aim of the platform is to simplify and automate the assessment for authorisations and management of mobility services that use the third dimension, such as drones, ensuring the safety of flight, people and infrastructure on the ground.
HyperTwin is the result of the "Digital Twin for Innovative Air Services" (DT4IAS) project, supported by DTD during the "Cross Tech Hub Italia", a strategic initiative to drive the digital transformation of the aviation sector and address the challenges posed by the integration of these new technologies into existing airspace.
HyperTwin is a concrete example of innovation and digital transformation that will help promote safe, efficient and sustainable growth of the aviation sector in Italy, paving the way for new opportunities and applications for drones and urban air mobility.
ENAC President Pierluigi Di Palma: "The HyperTwin project represents the key to unlocking a strong potential inherent in air transport. Making a parallel with the evolution of mobile phones that were initially viewed with skepticism, we must take note that drones are also changing our daily lives and socially accept these technologies. In the very near future, urban air mobility will no longer be a utopia, but an integrated reality in the city fabric. In our hands we have tools that can improve our lives and implement the country's competitiveness, also through the creation and enhancement of new professionalism. HyperTwin is just the beginning of a transformation path that will help redesign the sky of the future. A safer, more efficient, more sustainable sky".
According to the principles of transversality and contamination of technological innovation and the creation of a digitally advanced Italian ecosystem, HyperTwin's technology can be shared with other public administrations, startups, universities and companies, in a scenario of collaboration between public and private that is at the service of the citizen, to unleash the power of data and Artificial Intelligence, in a context in which digital transformation enables new forms of mobility and new opportunities for growth.
The platform offers a number of innovative features, including:
► Build innovative services: support the development and evaluation of new air mobility services, such as medical assistance, rescue, delivery and surveillance.
► Assess impacts and risks: Analyze the impact of air operations and predict operational risks, ensuring the safety of airspace.
► Facilitate decision-making: provide advanced decision-making support among all stakeholders involved in the AAM ecosystem.
► Share data with other PAs, startups and companies in the sector: through interfaces and interoperate with other realities to develop new digital services.
► Enable data-driven risk assessment: Integrate different data sources and use advanced analytics for risk prediction and the creation of feasibility and reliability indices for drone operations.
► Support collaborative decision-making: Promote communication and decision-making among the various stakeholders involved in the authorisation and operation of innovative air services.
In a nutshell, the operator accesses the platform and enters the mission data (route, type of drone, schedules...). The system, by accessing the available data, through the use of sophisticated machine learning algorithms, provides a mission report assigning a score that indicates its complexity.
By the editorial staff of Avion Tourism Magazine
Text source: Copyright © ENAC Press Office
Visual photo: Copyright © Sisterscom.com / Depositphotos
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