22 October 2024
The program contract with Enac and Sagat
The investment plan outlined for the four-year period 2024-2027 provides for a wide range of interventions aimed at optimizing the operational capacity of Turin airport
The Director General of ENAC, Alessio Quaranta, and the CEO of SAGAT, Andrea Andorno, have officially signed the new Program Contract for the 2024-2027 regulatory period for Turin Airport.
Alessio Quaranta expressed great satisfaction with the agreement reached, underlining the hope that this step forward, in line with the previous contracts signed, will accelerate the completion of the procedures with the other airport operators. The ultimate goal is to ensure the strategic investments necessary for the modernization and development of airport infrastructure in Italy, both in terms of capacity and efficiency, to meet the growing demand for air transport.
CEO of Sagat Andrea Andorno and General Manager of Enac Alessio Quaranta Copyright © Enac
The investment plan outlined for the four-year period 2024-2027 provides for a wide range of interventions aimed at optimizing the operational capacity of Turin airport. These include significant works both for the airside area, with the reorganization of aircraft parking areas and the efficiency of walk-in and walk-out boarding routes, and for the landside area, where the progressive improvement of boarding halls and security gates is expected and spaces for managing the growing flow of passengers. Particular attention will be paid to the creation of specific areas for flights operated by traditional and low-cost airlines.
The program also includes significant investments in the security sector, with the aim of responding to the latest regulations and new operational needs. A distinctive element of the plan is the integration of technological innovations and design solutions aimed at improving the energy efficiency of the airport and reducing its environmental impact.
This contract with SAGAT is part of a series of agreements already entered into by ENAC, including those with the airports of Naples, Bologna and Alghero, marking an important step towards the complete recovery of air traffic to pre-pandemic levels.
By the Editorial staff of Avion Tourism Magazine
Text source and photo: Enac Press Office
Visual photo: Copyright © Turin airport
Photo Turin: Copyright © Sisterscom.com / Shutterstock
Piazza Vittorio Veneto in Turin. Photo: Copyright © Sisterscom.com / Shutterstock
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