Enchanting island with emerald waters
Only 25 miles separate Sal from Boa Vista, which can be reached by internal flight or a trip by boat cruise.
Boats arrive in the magnificent Bay of Estoril, which is protected by the small island, Ileu de Sal Rei. The small golden beach and emerald waters make this a popular place with islanders. The capital Sal Rei is a pleasant town with several low, colonial-style houses with painted facades in the centre and a series of recently constructed buildings in the areas of tourist expansion.
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Boa Vista is known above all for its fantastic beaches, but it is worth discovering from both the sea and the land. The characteristic village of Norte, with its multi-coloured houses, is well worth a visit. The sun setting between thedunes of the Viana desert, a branch of the Sahara in the middle of the Ocean, is fascinating sight. A mound of white sand lies to the south of Sal Rei, following the road of Estoril where in Spring humpback whales in love arrive. This is the Morro de Areia, which is surrounded by a long series of impressive dunes that lead down to the sea.
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The beaches of Boa Vista
Praia Varandinha, with its mysterious cave, is a short distance away, and, immediately after, Santa Monica, a beach of very fine desert sand and crystal-clear water – Cabo Verde’s most beautiful and wild stretch of sand.
Praia Curral Velho is found after Lacacão Point and the beach of the same name. It features the ruins of an abandoned village, a few tall coconut palms and a natural salt pan. The last few pairs of Magnificent Frigatebird (Fregata magnificens) in West Africa nest on a very small island opposite the village.
Other beaches and cliffs alternate along the coast until the enchanting Praia Ervatão with its wide coastline of palms, which is a good place to drop anchor.
The coastline rises towards the west, but there are other more remote beaches off which to anchor, such as Praia Baleia, or Gatas, which conceals a wonderful bloom of corals and madrepores on the sea bed.
The west culminates at Morro Negro and the old light house. This is the area where the morna was created, a musical genre that is best known in Cabo Verde. Its theme is often sodade, the incurable nostalgia of migrants.
Tour of the islands
A tour of the other islands in the archipelago is a unique experience: Fogo with its imposing volcano; Brava, the smallest island and filled with flowers; Maio, with its beautiful beaches; Santiago, the most African with Praia, the capital; Sao Vicente, with the Bay of Minelo and Mount Cara; S. Antao, with its ribiera where grogue (a local drink) is made; and S. Nicolao, maybe the most unspoilt with lush green valleys and white and black sandy beaches.
Text by Teresa Scacchi
Updated by Alisè Vitri
Avion Tourism Magazine
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Video: www.turismo.cv
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Where to sleep in Boa Vista
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Boa Vista is a welcoming city and offers different possibilities for accommodation.
To find the ideal hotel and the best offers you can do a search for the towns but also for landmarks.
Hotels in tourist areas
Sal Rei
WHERE TO GO in boavista
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The Island of Fogo has a landscape made up of formations of lava from its 2,826 metre high volcano. The black soil produces rich fruits: coffee and grapes. Must-see places: Mount Velha with its tall pines and eucalyptus trees; the salt pans of S. Jorge and its black beach, caves and cliffs, and the town of São Filipe, which is rich in historical remains.
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The international airport is located on the Island of Sal. Well known in the past for its salt pans, it has fine sandy beaches and a sea of warm waters. The beach of Santa Maria is 8 kilometres long and takes its name from a village in the far south which sells local craft products.
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The seat of culture of the archipelago, the beaches on this island are located in bays waiting to be discovered, such the Baia Das Gatas, which is surrounded by volcanic rocks. Must-see places: the bay of Porto Grande with its international port, and the centre of Mindelo with its shops, markets and evenings of music, dance and festivals. The beaches are found in wonderful bays.
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This island offers high mountains, valleys, forests of pine, cedar and eucalyptus trees, dry areas and deserts. Its winding paths are ideal for hiking. Must-see places: Ponta do Sol, a Portuguese village with brightly coloured houses; Vale do Paul, a valley of tropical fruit and sugar cane plantations; the capital Ribeira Grande, and the spring of Mesa. The island is reached by sea from nearby São Vicente.
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L’isola di Santiago dai tratti africani e colori This island has an African feel and is characterised by lively colours, ethnic rhythms and traditional feasts. The city of Praia is the capital and seat of the government. It is the centre of political and economic life of the country. Must-see places: Tarrafal, a tropical paradise of palm trees, white beaches and crystal clear sea; the botanical garden of San Jorge; the town of Assomada with its market, and the valley of Santa Cruz with its bananas, papayas and coconut palms.
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