07 September 2022
Suspension of Blue Air flights
All flights departing from Romania are canceled until a date to be defined
Due to an unforeseen event due to the seizure of all the accounts of the company Blue Air Aviation S.A. by the Ministry of the Environment, Blue Air is unable to pay the current costs, necessary for the operation of daily flights, which is why it is forced to suspend all flights departing from Romanian airports, until Monday 12 September 2022.
Unfortunately, this blocking of all Blue Air bank accounts has resulted in:
Unfortunately, this blocking of all Blue Air bank accounts has resulted in:
- The significant destruction of passenger confidence in Blue Air, generating losses of over 5 million euros, reducing the volume of ticket sales;
Increasing pressure from the main suppliers of Blue Air Aviation S.A. advance the sums necessary for daily operations (impossible now, given the seizure of all the company's accounts);
- Block all discussions held in London by Blue Air shareholders with 2 large investment firms interested in entering Blue Air's stake and support the company in recovering the losses suffered in the crisis of the last 2 years that caused difficulties in the global aviation industry .
- The irresponsible statements and actions of a representative of the Romanian state, as well as the impetuous decision to block all bank accounts of the company, have led Blue Air into the undesirable situation of reducing its operations for the next period, with the aim of facilitating completing the analysis of the impact of the investors and obtaining the necessary authorizations for discussions with investors.
Blue Air Blue Air is the largest Romanian airline by number of passengers carried, with an Ultra-Low-Cost (ULC) business model and a passenger-centric approach. With a team of around 700 professional aviation enthusiasts, Blue Air has an impeccable record in flight safety. The airline operates Boeing 737 aircraft. In its 17 years of operation, Blue Air has carried more than 32 million passengers and flown more than 340 million kilometers. The company is IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) certified by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) for outstanding operational standards and is a full member of IATA.
Edited by editorial staff
Avion Tourism Magazine
Text source: Blue Air Press Office
Visual photol: Copyright © Sisterscom.com / CristiCroitoru / Depositphotos
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