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15 September 2024

Marina Abramović in Bergamo

Gres Art 671 inaugurates an exhibition dedicated to the iconic artist with 30 works including historical performances and new installations
The exhibition dedicated to Marina Abramović, explores themes such as greatness, loneliness, myth and the transience of the human being. Entitled "Between Breath and Fire", the exhibition presents 30 works that range from historical to recent works, exploring breathing, the body, the relationship with others and death, key elements of the artist's fifty-year career.
Marina Abramović, “between breath and fire”, veduta della mostra presso gres art 671, Bergamo. Foto Copyright © Paolo Biava
Marina Abramović, "between breath and fire", exhibition view at gres art 671, Bergamo. Photo Copyright © Paolo Biava
A unique experience between art and innovation
The exhibition includes performative works and installations that use new materials and formats, as in the work "Seven Deaths". This film installation, inspired by the figure of Maria Callas, explores seven tragic deaths interpreted by Abramović, accompanied by the arias of the soprano. "Seven Deaths" represents a reflection on the intensity of life and art, embodying the strong connection between Abramović and Callas.
Marina Abramović, “between breath and fire”, veduta della mostra presso gres art 671, Bergamo. Foto Copyright © Paolo Biava
Marina Abramović, "between breath and fire", exhibition view at gres art 671, Bergamo. Photo Copyright © Paolo Biava
Audience engagement and personal reflection
The exhibition involves the indoor and outdoor exhibition space of Gres Art 671, integrating the "Tree" soundscape, which spreads bird songs among the trees, blurring the boundaries between natural and artificial. Curator Karol Winiarczyk points out that "Between Breath and Fire" tells the story of Abramović's entire artistic career, from the famous performances of the 70s to the most recent interactive works. Among these, "Mambo a Marienbad" invites the audience to dance in front of the screening, blurring the boundaries between participation and presence.
Marina Abramović, “between breath and fire”, veduta della mostra presso gres art 671, Bergamo. Foto Copyright © Paolo Biava

Marina Abramović, "between breath and fire", exhibition view at gres art 671, Bergamo. Photo Copyright © Paolo Biava

This exhibition is not only a celebration of Marina Abramović's career, but an opportunity to reflect deeply on the essence of the human being through art.
Marina Abramović "between breath and fire" curated by Karol Winiarczyk
When: from 14 September 2024 to 16 February 2025
Where: Bergamo at Gres Art 671 via S. Bernardino 141
Hours: Wednesday to Sunday from 10 am to 8 pm. Last admission to the exhibition at 7.30 pm
Tickets: full 13€, reduced 10€ Free admission for under 12
Gres Art 671 (project De8 Architetti - Photo: Copyright © Michele Nastasi
Gres Art 671: A New Center for Art and Culture in Bergamo
Inaugurated in 2023, Gres Art 671 is a new cultural space built in Bergamo with the aim of revitalizing a former industrial area of over 3,000 square meters. Promoted by the Italmobiliare Group with the Pesenti Foundation, this center aims to preserve and transmit the historical memory of the place, becoming a reference point for cultural production and a place of meeting and experimentation for the community.
Edited by the editorial staff, Avion Tourism Magazine
Text source: Adicorbetta Press Office
Photo: Exhibition view at gres art 671, Bergamo. Photo Copyright © Paolo Biava
Visual: Dozing Consciousness 1997/2002 Copyrigh © Marina Abramovic Courtesy of Lisson Gallery and the Marina Abramovic Archives
Photo Bergamo: Copyright © / Byvalet / Shutterstock

What to see in Bergamo
Cappella Colleoni e Basila Santa Maria Maggiore a Bergamo alta. Foto: Copyright © / Byvalet / Shutterstock

Colleoni Chapel and Basila Santa Maria Maggiore in upper Bergamo. Photo: Copyright © / Byvalet / Shutterstock


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